الخميس، 3 ديسمبر 2009

post_structural practices generally operate on some basic assumptions :post_structuralists hold that the concept of "self" as sigular and coherent entity is a fictional construct. instead ,an individual comprises conflicting tensions and knowledge claims e.g. gender,class ,porffession ,etc .therefore ,to properly study a text a reader must understand how the work is relatd to her own personal concept of self .this self_perception play a critical role in one interpretation of meaning . while different thinkers views on the self or the subject vary ,it is often said to be constitude by discourse . lacan accoount includes a psychoanalytic dimension , while foucault stresses the effects of power on the self. the meaning the author intended is secondary to the meaning that the reader percieves post_structuralism rejects the idea of a idea of a literary text having a single purpose ,a single meaning or one singular existence

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